Speaking of Brenda – (this message is for Claudette and Jennifer) – when we get back, would you speak to your Mother. As you can see she's gone over to the wild side.

Maybe you can bring her back. Wait – on second thought I think I like it – uh, never mind - just forget I said anything. The upper right picture is at the award ceremony for our “Favorite Key West Bartender”. All the bartenders and especially the ones at Schooner Wharf are terrific, but somehow John has managed to beat out the competition for the second year in a row.
When we were at the Habitat for Humanity fundraiser in Big Pine Key, we met Bob and Theresa from Pennsylvania. When it was over, we suggested going to No Name Pub for Pizza. They countered with “come on over to our place for shrimp”. After they twisted our arms for a while we agreed. Theresa is a terrific cook. We met up with them a few more times before they headed back north. Some of their friends came down and we signed up for a bar stroll on Duval Street. Here are some of the places we went. In the upper picture, at Mangoes, left to right are Steve, Judy, Bob, Brenda, Woody, Theresa, and Janet. This was the double tequila shots stop – can you tell?

At the sunset celebration one night a performer asked for some backup singers to help with his version of “Daylight Come and Me Want to Go Home”. I was in the mood so I volunteered. At first, we couldn't get any other singers, but finally four lovely ladies who were also in the mood joined in. The lady to my left from Philadelphia was in the mood more than the rest of us and required some support.

We met Vic and Jeanette at the Conch Festival in Bayview Park. We got our picture taken with Miss Conch Republic. They had never been to the Turtle Kraals Tower Bar so we met them there for happy hour.

Marilyn was in front of the Tropic Cinema when we saw “The King's Speech”. The movie was good and I got an in depth review and explanation afterward from Brenda, the retired speech therapist.
Another one of our favorite spots is the Roof Top Cafe on Front Street. There's a nice view of that part of town and the food is good.
As we said in the last blog, we really lucked out when we moved in to slip #620 at Oceanside Marina. Here's a picture of our neighbor Bev with Brenda at the Pig Roast.
The last night we had a Pizza Party on the dock. We are really going to miss (until next year) our new friends from the marina. Top row, left to right – Max, Don, Gerry, Bev, Bob, Miho, Woody and Ed. Middle row – Tina, Barb, Brenda and Ryan. Front – Captain Bob with Vouve.
Well the sun has set on this year's “Go where it's warm” adventure so here are some sunset picture's from Fort Zachary Taylor Beach to close things out.
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